Conflictos mundiales * Blog La cordura emprende la batalla

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

BILBAO Pasado y Presente / Past and present

La vida de cada hombre es un camino hacia sí mismo, el intento de un camino, el esbozo de un sendero.

Hermann Hesse
La vida de cada hombre es un camino hacia sí mismo, el intento de un camino, el esbozo de un sendero.

Hermann Hesse

Bilbao, finalista para ser capital mundial del diseño 2014

Bilbao ha sido seleccionada hoy como finalista junto a Ciudad del Cabo (Sudáfrica) y Dublín (Irlanda) para convertirse en Capital Mundial del Diseño 2014. A esta iniciativa se han presentado 56 ciudades de 24 países. De ser finalmente elegida, la villa se convertirá en referencia del diseño internacional.

Morirse en Bilbao

BILBAO Pasado y Presente / Past and present

Un paseo por su historia a través de su arquitectura / A walking tour along its History through its Architecture.

Photographic slideshow of the Architecture and History of the city of BIlbao (most populated city in the Basque Country), example of urban regeneration and transformation.

This video includes a selection of the most important buildings within the city of Bilbao (not in the metropolitan area or Greater Bilbao) classified by different areas which shows the architectonic evolution of the city along History. The quarters or city districts which appear are:

- Casco Viejo (Old Town). The city cradle in 1300. Selection of ancient religious and civil buildins of the city.

- Ensanche (19th century expansion of the city). Includes a selection of buildings along the Gran Vía (Main Street) and other beautiful squares as Albia Gardens, Jado Square or Doña Casilda Park.

- Campo Volantín and Deusto. Right bank of the city (City Hall, Deusto University...)

- Begoña (Former indepent village where stands the Sanctuary of Begoña).

- Areas recently developed: - Abandoibarra (Guggenheim, Iberdrola Tower, Euskalduna Jauregia...) - Uribitarte (Isozaki Atea, Zubizuri) - Ametzola - Miribilla (Bilbao Arena)

And several new official, cultural or public service buildings built in the last years

Finally: The new areas of future growing: Garellano and Zorrozaurre.

All the pictures included in our video were taken by us except:
- Aerial views: From "Bilbao Ría 2000" website.
- Ancient photos of Bilbao: From "El Correo" website.
- New projects (Garellano and Zorrozaurre): From "Bilbao en Construcción" website.

This video has no economic purposes but only intends to show the extraordinary transformation of our city for both locals and outsiders.

Thank you very much. Eskerrik Asko. Muchas gracias.

ProudBasque Team

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